Saturday 11 August 2012

Same Deeds Different Directions

For all I know, you're probably on your way home already.

Me as well. I've been dragged down literally by Takuya to buy all sort of things for grandma before coming to her house this morning. I already said that it's okay but he said since he's coming to her house for the first time, he definitely needs to bring her something.

We arrived in here in the evening by bullet train. Takuya was excited since it's been awhile for him as the last time he was on it was more than 10 years ago. I know. There's some part of him that still like a boy. Haha It's weird though, he doesn't really show that side of him while in front of other people

When we were among other friends, especially when we were at my dad's company, (oh, I forgot to tell you that he's been doing some attachment for almost 2 weeks now) he never show this side of him that you know. How crazy he can be when he's with me like I told you about. I know it's probably because he's being at work and stuffs but even during happy hours, when all the girls just being swept away by him, he doesn't give much attention. What's up with that?

Anyway, we were just finished having dinner with grandma. Again, as per usual, I'm blown away by the ever grand grandma's traditional Japanese cuisine. Well, I know she doesn't cook anymore but it's still her recipe.

Change to another dorm? Well... If we're talking about the one nearby the Architecture building, I guess I'll go with the one in front of Engineering faculty. The first one along the road.

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